
People & Organisation Improvement

People and Organisation Improvement


Organisations must be able to change and improve continuously to adapt to the changing nature of the workplace and the talent pool. People are the most valuable resources in any organization and depend on the support of the required structures, procedures, and skills to succeed. To implement a culture of sustained performance over time, SIL’s People & Organizational Improvement capability can help you develop a high-performance organisation and workforce.

What We Can Do

From designing organizations for effectiveness; Workforce Analysis & Planning; delivering Change Management to Talent and Succession Planning we help clients realise efficiencies and improve employee satisfaction.

People and Organisation Improvement

Business Process Management

No longer is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) just about consolidating back office processes in lower cost locations or handing over inefficient processes to a third party. The evolution of process and technology means that organisations can and should expect world-class outcomes that align with business value.

People and Organisation Improvement

Organisation Design

Our organisational design seeks to identify process gaps and dysfunctional aspects of workflow, procedures, structures, and systems to align them to fit our clients’ current business objectives that deliver growth, performance improvement, and brand strengthening.

People and Organisation Improvement

Workforce Design

We help our clients profile their current and desired workforce design, identify gaps in their workforce design and develop a workforce strategy that aligns their businesses with their desired performance and growth expectations for the realization of an outstanding workforce to drive these ideals.

People and Organisation Improvement

Change Management

The need for constant quality and performance improvement necessitates change. The record shows that human resistance to change accounts for a more significant percentage of why change initiatives fail. We help our clients overcome the odds by predicting, measuring, and managing the risk associated with a change from day one.

People and Organisation Improvement

Performance Management

We provide a customised performance management approach that is targeted at helping our clients match individual expectations with their business goals. From helping clients create position descriptions for their employees that provide clear insight into their responsibilities and expectations.

People and Organisation Improvement

Leadership Management

For any company to be successful, it needs management that can plan, organise and coordinate its staff, while inspiring and motivating them to perform to the best of their ability. We help organisations imbibe management principles that drive incessant organisational growth.

People and Organisation Improvement

Succession Planning

Our successive planning solutions are designed to create a clear and accountable plan to ensure internal successors are ready to assume key positions in the organization. We help clients project organisational change based on clearly defined corporate strategy, and identify talents, competencies, and capabilities of the current workforce targeted at aligning employees with future positions.

Our Methodology

The People and Organizational Improvement Capability takes a comprehensive approach to transformation. We have a Hypothesis-Led Approach that helps us define and redesign our clients’ people and organization improvement strategies. We achieve this by:

Our Solution

Culture and Transformation

By fostering cultures of continuous improvement and putting in place efficient change management programmes, our approach offers value to organisations. The likelihood of leaders implementing effective change at scale more than quadruples with considerable knowledge, data analytics, and a tried-and-true methodology. We choose how the organisation will accomplish the goals after identifying them. By promoting new behaviours and attitudes at the individual level, we personalise change and promote it throughout organisational networks. As a result, the organisation has a culture that encourages performance and is better future-proofed.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI)

We use the advantages of a Diverse, Equal, and Inclusive workforce to assist organisations in maximising performance. We carefully assess inclusion using our methodologies, giving us insights into the experiences of various workforce groups. We rely on cutting-edge research to motivate commitment, and we connect leaders with the organisation's specific financial case for diversity. Additionally, we are in favour of taking steps at all organisational levels to create a climate in which everyone is free to actively engage.

Agile and Innovative Workforce

All facets of our lives are changing as a result of the quick and continuing advancements in technology, consumer preferences, and employee expectations. To survive and prosper, businesses must adapt their business models. A corporation may enhance execution speed, better respond to and adapt to client requests, boost productivity, engage and empower people, and more by transforming into an agile organisation.

Leadership Development & Succession Plan

Identifying and improving the efficacy of leadership in a complex and unstable setting. We also guide businesses in succession planning to minimise disruption to business operations and key man risks.

Organisation Design

We guide companies through successful organisation design and redesign imperatives that focus on problems and their structural challenges. We create a more efficient operating model by recognising and integrating the distinct strengths and opportunities of each organisation, ensuring accountability, fostering enterprise-wide cooperation, and tackling behaviour change and other obstacles that prevent employees from succeeding.

Talent Acquisition and Development

We support companies with initiatives that help them to prioritise their talents. We connect people to areas where there is the greatest potential for value and create talent management plan that is as clear for competitive advantage. We work with businesses to develop the talent capabilities they require to sustain and expand impact by delivering on dynamic talent acquisition, bridging skills gaps, and altering fundamental processes.


Ready to Talk?

We collaborate with ambitious executives who want to shape the future rather than avoid it. We produce remarkable results when we work together.